Leigh Academy Minster was delighted to welcome hundreds of families to its hugely successful Parent Information Evenings on Tuesday 14th and Thursday 23rd November. Families had the opportunity to hear a presentation from Simon Beamish (CEO, Leigh Academies Trust) on the academy’s vision, curriculum, and defining features that will put it on the road to success. They also heard from Debbie Biggenden (Academies Director) and Mathieu Stevens (Principal Designate) on how their leadership will shape this exciting new academy and transform education for young people on the island. Families were able to ask questions to all three leaders through a Q&A session. Information that was provided during the presentation, along with a copy of the booklet that was given to families can be viewed on our homepage.
For parents and students seeking information regarding their next steps for post-16, we invite your attendance to our upcoming information evening on Monday 4th December from 4pm-6pm at Oasis Academy Isle of Sheppey, Minster site. Additional information can be found here: leighacademyminster.org.uk/post-16.