
At Leigh Academy Minster, we are all teachers of numeracy. As a life skill, the description of numeracy goes beyond mere computation – it includes essential abilities such as solving problems, understanding and explaining the solutions, making decisions based on logical thinking and reasoning, and interpreting data, charts and diagrams. 

Our aim is:

  • To develop and raise standards in numeracy across the school for all our students.
  • To establish and maintain consistency of practice including notation, vocabulary and methods.
  • To enable all students to have the relevant numerical skills to access the curriculum and to function in everyday life.
  • To assist the transfer of students’ knowledge, skills and understanding between subjects

Each curriculum area is expected to support the development of numeracy skills through relevant activities within their lessons. To further develop numeracy skills in all areas of the curriculum, departments encourage students to interact confidently with their environment and to transfer their numeracy skills across the different areas of the curriculum, so that students become confident at tackling mathematics in any context. Leigh Academy Minster’s Numeracy Strategy outlines how this will be achieved. 

Students will be taught to:

  • Understand the cycle of collecting, presenting and analysing data.
  • Apply their mathematics to both routine and non-routine problems, including breaking down more complex problems into a series of simpler steps.
  • Apply arithmetic fluently to problems.
  • Understand and use measures.
  • Make estimates and sense check their work.
  • Apply their geometric and algebraic understanding.
  • Relate their understanding of probability to the notions of risk and uncertainty.