The Enrichment (Personal Development) curriculum at Leigh Academy Minster is designed to ensure that students are fully supported in their journey to becoming a well-rounded citizen prepared for life in Modern Britain.
Personal Development is an extremely important part of the curriculum, which is discreetly taught to all year groups and throughout form time.
Our curriculum has been designed to support the following key areas:
- Developing responsible, respectful, active citizens or who are able to become actively involved in life as an adult. This starts in year 7, and is built upon through various stages in the spiralled curriculum.
- Deepens students’ understanding of the Fundamental British Values
- Promotes equality of all, ensuring equal opportunities and creating an environment where all students can thrive, regardless of race, religion, gender, belief, age, disability or sexual orientation.
- Develops the character of students, allowing opportunities to reflect on their own progress and conduct to help flourish in society.
- Provides the knowledge and understanding to make healthy choices, related to diet, eating and relationships to maintain healthy physically and mentally.
- Provides an age-appropriate sex education for all students, influenced by guidance from the Department for Education and the PSHE association.
- Supports students’ with the knowledge to understand what they need to do to reach and succeed in the career which they aspire.
Students’ spiritual development is seen throughout various phases of the Enrichment curriculum, as students gain knowledge and understanding of a variety of faiths and key beliefs. Students are given opportunities to reflect upon these beliefs and compare them to their own in a safe environment, developing an awareness of how beliefs impacts on decisions and behaviours. Throughout the Enrichment learning experience and during form time activities students use imagination and creativity in their learning.
The moral development of students is also supported through an analysis of varying religious rules and the impacts this has on people’s lives. Within this topic, students also gain knowledge of possible conflicts between religious laws and the criminal and civil laws in The United Kingdom. Students learn how to make appropriate moral choices through a wide range of activities and topics across Enrichment lessons and throughout ‘theme of the week’. In addition to this, students learn about ‘aims of punishment’ linking this to their own lives to better understand the consequences for behaviours and actions.
The theme of the week programme which enriches cultural experiences for students allows them to discover their own heritage, values and shared beliefs, promoting a culture of mutual respect and tolerance for all. Many students willingly take part in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities. This has been specifically supported through key events. Celebrating diversity is commonplace within the academy, such as Black History Month, Autism awareness week and LGBT+ History. All these events are celebrated in the academy, as well as a number of clubs/groups to support, such as a Diversity group and LGBT+ Ambassadors.
Healthy Minds
Healthy Minds is a unique approach to teaching personal, social, health topics that enables students to navigate the world within and beyond school. Students are taught one lesson per week from Y7 – 10 and enjoy a range of lessons that enable class discussions and debates. Students participate in a variety of topics that include building resilience, ensuring internet and mobile phone safety, aspirational career guidance, as well as how to maintain healthy relationships. The lessons are taught by a variety of specifically trained Leigh Academy Minster staff and continue to be popular among the students.
- Understanding about emotions
- The basics of resilience
- Connecting the brain with emotions and thoughts (ABCs)
- Recognising when our emotions get out of control
- Optimism and Pessimism
- Perspective
- Wobble
- Catastrophising
- Resilience Planning
- Understanding about breathing
- Finger breathing
- How the brain works in a crisis
- Taming the animal mind
- Stong silence and mindfulness
- Storytelling Mind
- Reacting & Responding
- Introduction to the dangers (and benefits) of social media
- Trolling
- Cyberbullying
- Staying safe online
- Sharing information online
- Online identity
- Practising resilience skills
- Combining .Breathe exercises with ABCs
- Self Talk
- Managing stress
- Group dynamics
- Peer Pressure
- Choices – alcohol, risk and protection
- Examining the facts about alcohol use
- The effects of smoking
- Groups and self identity
- My adult self
- Role models – positive and negative
- Family and relationships
- Timelines
- Differences between school and work
- Language of persuasion and manipulation
- Fake news
- Text and subtext in media
- Media and gender
- Media and body image
- Media, health and food marketing
- Gambling addiction
- Decision-making based on what you see in the media
- Self identity – what makes you ‘you’?
- Values in others
- Maturity
- Attraction vs Infatuation
- Smart Relationships
- Healthy Relationships
- Baggage
- The reproductive system
- Puberty and changes to boys and girls
- Media and body image
- Sexting
- Human variation
- Fertility
- Conception
- Contraception
- Eating Disorders
- Revisiting prior learning on drugs
- Verbal and non-verbal communication
- Dangers of alcohol
- Social situations and drugs
- Where to get help
- Coping mechanisms
Lessons bring together aspects of prior learning:
- Mindfulness
- Resilience
- Drugs and Alcohol Education
- Sex Education
- Media Awareness
- Relationships
- Planning ahead for Year 9
- Facts and Fiction around alcohol
- Alcohol and the body
- Dangers of drinking
- Alcohol and the media
- Alcohol and social life
- Peer group pressures
- How to have a safe night out
- Ambiguity, Complexity & Independent Thought
- Dilemmas and difficult decisions
- Practising ABCs and resilience
- Assertive Communication
- Impact of good and bad decisions
- Group work
- Community awareness
- Charitable causes
- Identifying need
- Service learning
- Reflection
- Presentation of project
- Analysis of productivity
- Roles of hormones
- Consent and Control
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual and Gender Identity
- Contraception
- STIs
- Sexting
- Friendship
- Values
- Relationships
- Communication
- Handling Emotions
- Identifying Gang Culture
- Criminal Exploitation – how and why?
- Knife Crime
- Drugs, the dangers and the law
- County Lines
- Defining Mental Health
- Science of Mental Health
- Mental Illness Triggers
- Promoting Wellbeing
- Spotting and Supporting
- Healthy Coping Strategies
- Reducing Mental Health Stigma
- The Big Bang & Origins of The Universe
- The Value of the World
- Pollution of the Environment
- Core Responses to Abuse of the Planet
- The use & abuse of Animals
- Introduction to Parenting
- Love, Money and Emotions
- Role Models, Learned Behaviour and Co-Parenting
- Parenting Budgets
- Budgeting for Adulthood
- Building Resilience in Parenting
- Breathing
- Mindfulness
- Making a Revision Schedule
- Time Management
- Different Revision Techniques
- Mindmaps
- Communicating with peers
- Communicating with staff
- Communicating with family
- How to resolve an issue
- Self evaluation
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Focus on the mind
- Future planning
- Avoiding catastrophising
- Understanding your icebergs
- Evaluating difficult situations – ABCs
- Focus on positive mindsets
- Identifying barriers
- Clarifying the situation
- Working through possible solutions
- Evaluating success and areas for improvement
- Self worth
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Healthy Living
- Managing emotions
- Planning for your future
- CVs
- Pathway to Year 13 and beyond
- Overcoming difficulty
- Managing Stress
- Seeking help
- Giving help
- Planning an uncertain future
- Strategies for a change of direction
- Wobble