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KS4: Cambridge National Enterprise & Marketing

Module 1

Introduction to grading and Business
RO68 – Design a Business Proposal

Module 2

RO68 – Design a Business Proposal

Module 3

RO68 – Design a Business Proposal

Module 4

RO68 – Design a Business Proposal

Module 5

RO68 – Design a Business Proposal

Module 6

Theory and Prep RO69

Module 1

Promoting a Business idea

Module 2

Promoting a Business idea

Module 3

RO67 – Enterprise and marketing concepts (Exam)

Module 4

RO67 – Enterprise and marketing concepts (Exam)

Module 5

RO67 – Enterprise and marketing concepts (Exam)

Module 6


KS4 Cambridge National Enterprise & Marketing Specification

KS5: BTEC Business

Module 1

Introduction to BTEC and Business and Unit 2 Marketing

Module 2

Develop a Marketing Campaign

Module 3

Exploring Business

Module 4

Exploring Business

Module 5

Develop a Marketing Campaign

Module 6

Exploring Business and Personal & Business Finance

Module 1

Personal & Business Finance

Module 2

Personal & Business Finance

Module 3

Recruitment and Selection

Module 4

Recruitment and Selection

Module 5


Module 6


KS5 Level 3 BTEC Business Specification

KS5: LIBF Financial Studies

Module 1

Unit 3 Sustainability of an Individual’s Finances

Module 2

Unit 3 Sustainability of an Individual’s Finances

Module 3

Unit 4 Sustainability of the Financial Services System

Module 4

Unit 4 Sustainability of the Financial Services System

Module 5

Unit 4 Sustainability of the Financial Services System

Module 6


KS5 LIBF DipFS Financial Studies Specification