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KS4: BTEC Tech Creative Media

Module 1

Media products, audiences and purpose

Module 2

B1 Genre, narrative and representation

Module 3

B2 Media production techniques

Module 4

Component 1: Exploring Media Products – Assessment

Module 5

Media pre-production processes and practices & Media pre-production skills and techniques

Module 6

B2 Media production and post-production processes and practices

Module 1

B3 Media post-production skills and techniques

Module 2

B4 Review of progress and development

Module 3

Media pre-production processes, skills and techniques materials

Module 4

Media pre-production processes, skills and techniques materials

Module 5

Component Three: Create a Media product in Response to a brief

Module 6


KS4 BTEC Tech Creative Media Production Specification

KS5: BTEC Creative Media

Module 1

Understand the requirements of pre-production of a digital media product and Carry out pre-production for a digital media product

Module 2

Carry out pre-production for a digital media product

Module 3

Understand the considerations, codes and conventions of a specific genre of magazine for print and digital platform

Module 4

Unit 14 Digital Magazine Production

Module 5

Unit 14 Digital Magazine Production

Module 6


KS5 BTEC Creative Media Specification

KS5: A Level Film Studies

Module 1

Component 3: Film production coursework (short 4-5 minute film with evaluation or screenplay, evaluation and storyboard). Component 1: comparison of Joker (Phillips, 2019) with Captain Fantastic (Ross, 2016)

Module 2

Component 3: Film production coursework (short 4-5 minute film with evaluation or screenplay, evaluation and storyboard). Component 1: comparison of Joker (Phillips, 2019) with Captain Fantastic (Ross, 2016)

Module 3

Component 3: Film production coursework (short 4-5 minute film with evaluation or screenplay, evaluation and storyboard). Component 1: comparison of Joker (Phillips, 2019) with Captain Fantastic (Ross, 2016)

Module 4


Module 5


Module 6


KS5 A Level Film Studies Specification