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KS3: Drama

Carousel Cycle 1

Team building and cooperation

Carousel Cycle 2

Non-verbal communication

Carousel Cycle 3

Verbal communication

Carousel Cycle 1

Silent movies and non-verbal communication

Carousel Cycle 2

Stimuli, creating performances and group work

Carousel Cycle 3

Musicals and creating a character

Carousel Cycle 1

Theatre in education, moral performances and scripts

Carousel Cycle 2


Carousel Cycle 3

Modern vs Historical plays

KS3: Music

Carousel Cycle 1


Carousel Cycle 2



Carousel Cycle 3



Carousel Cycle 1


Carousel Cycle 2



Carousel Cycle 3



Carousel Cycle 1


Carousel Cycle 2



Carousel Cycle 3



KS4: BTEC Tech Performing Arts - Dance

Module 1

Roles, Responsibilities and Skills in the Performing Arts

Module 2

Exploring Dances

Module 3

Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts – Preparation

Module 4

Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts – Preparation

Module 5

Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts – Exam

Module 6

Introduction to Repertory.

Module 1

Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts

Module 2

Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts

Module 3

Component 3: Responding to a Brief – Preparation

Module 4

Component 3: Responding to a Brief – Exam

Module 5

Component 3: Responding to a Brief – Exam

Module 6


KS4 BTEC Tech Award Performing Arts - Dance

KS4: BTEC Tech Performing Arts - Drama

Module 1

Skills Building

Module 2

Skills Building

Module 3

Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts – Exam

Module 4

Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts – Exam

Module 5

Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts – Exam

Module 6

Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts – Preparation

Module 1

Unit 2 – Creating

Module 2

Unit 2 – Creating

Module 3

Unit 3 – Performing Arts in Practice

Module 4

Unit 3 – Performing Arts in Practice

Module 5

Unit 3 – Performing Arts in Practice

Module 6


KS4 BTEC Tech Award Performing Arts - Drama

KS4: BTEC Tech Music Practice

Module 1

Skills building

Module 2

Component 1: Exploring Music Products and Styles Introduction

Module 3

Component 1: Exploring Music Products and Styles Exam (A1 + A2)

Module 4

Component 1: Exploring Music Products and Styles Exam (B1)

Module 5

Component 1: Exploring Music Products and Styles Exam (B2)

Module 6

Introduction to Music Skills Development

Module 1

Component 2: Music Skills Development

Module 2

Component 2: Music Skills Development

Module 3

Component 3: Responding to a Music Brief

Module 4

Component 3: Responding to a Music Brief

Module 5

Component 3: Responding to a Music Brief

Module 6


KS4 BTEC Tech Music Practice Specification

KS5: BTEC Performing Arts

Module 1

Approaches to Acting

Module 2

Approaches to Acting

Module 3

Performance Preparation

Module 4

Performance Preparation

Module 5

Exam Revision

Module 6


KS5 BTEC Performing Arts

KS5: BTEC National Music Performance

Module 1

Understanding Musical Styles

Module 2

Understanding Musical Styles

Module 3

Live Performance

Module 4

Live Performance

Module 5


Module 6


KS5 BTEC National Music Performance Specification