Joint Statement about School Preference Exercise for Parents

Image showing LAT, EKC and Oasis Trust logos

Oasis Academy Isle of Sheppey (OAIoS) School Preference Exercise

On the afternoon of Friday 22 March, the Department for Education confirmed to Oasis Community Learning their decision that the closure process for Oasis Academy – Isle of Sheppey should proceed with a view to the academy closing at the end of August 2024. As a result we have pleasure in attaching the following update for parents.

This summary is intended to support parents of existing and newly-allocated pupils at OAIoS through the next stage of the process. Parents are advised to read the contents of the letters they receive on Monday 25 March carefully and seek further advice as appropriate. Relevant contact details will be included in each letter. If you have more than one child, it is important that you follow the advice in each child’s letter, as the process may be different depending on their year group.


Year 7 from September 2024

  • Parents will have received an offer from Kent County Council (KCC) for a place at the existing OAIoS on 1 March.
  • Parents will be sent another letter on 25 March with details about how they can select a preference for either Leigh Academy Minster (LAM) or EKC Sheppey Secondary (EKCSS). This school will be prioritised over the other school when further offers are made.
  • 180 places are available at LAM.
  • 180 places are available at EKCSS.
  • The receiving school (either LAM or EKCSS) will contact parents on Thursday 6 June to let them know which school they have been offered.
  • Parents are also free to approach other schools, but will need to make their own arrangements. Information can be found at


Year 8 from September 2024

  • Parents will receive a letter from OAIoS asking them to express a preference for LAM or EKCSS. This school will be prioritised over the other school when further offers are made.
  • 180 places are available at LAM.
  • 180 places are available at EKCSS.
  • The receiving school (either LAM or EKCSS) will contact parents on Thursday 6 June to let them know which school they have been offered.
  • The letter sent to parents with a child in one of the following OAIoS alternative provisions will include additional information: Alchemy, Curly Farm, Oak, Ed-Class and Acorn. This will offer their child the opportunity to be assessed for the new alternative provision operated by Alternative Learning Trust (ALT).
  • Parents are also free to approach other schools, but will need to make their own arrangements. Information can be found at


Year 9 from September 2024

  • Parents will receive a letter from OAIoS asking them to express a preference for LAM or EKCSS. This school will be prioritised over the other school when further offers are made.
  • 180 places are available at LAM.
  • 90 places are available at EKCSS.
  • The receiving school (either LAM or EKCSS) will contact parents on Thursday 6 June to let them know which school they have been offered.
  • The letter sent to parents with a child in one of the following OAIoS alternative provisions will include additional information: Alchemy, Curly Farm, Oak, Ed-Class and Acorn. This will offer their child the opportunity to be assessed for the new alternative provision operated by Alternative Learning Trust (ALT).
  • Parents are also free to approach other schools, but will need to make their own arrangements. Information can be found at


Year 10 and 11 from September 2024

  • Parents will receive a letter from OAIoS advising them that a place will be made available for their child at LAM.
  • The letter sent to parents with a child in one of the following OAIoS alternative provisions will include additional information: Alchemy, Curly Farm, Oak, Ed-Class and Acorn. This will offer their child the opportunity to be assessed for the new alternative provision operated by Alternative Learning Trust (ALT).
  • Parents are also free to approach other schools, but will need to make their own arrangements. Information can be found at


Year 12 from September 2024 

  • Parents can apply for a place at LAM’s Level 3 Sixth Form via the normal admissions process.
  • Parents can apply for a place to join Sheppey College via the normal admissions process.


Year 13 from September 2024

  • All Level 3 students will transfer to LAM.